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I saw you working on these on Sunday at the bloggers meet up and looooove them. I think the colors you used were delicious and now I'm rummaging through my stash for something that would be appropriate :)


Love the socks! And I also love your label. I must confess I am afraid of sock knitting - seems far too complex for a beginner like me. One day... =)


Looks awesome! I love the paper you used for your sock sleeve and the "ripped" effect.


Those socks look fab! I love the wrapper you used (you're so crafty!!).


I love your packaging - that sleeve is ADORABLE. And to all your other readers, I am here to attest that that sock is even more beautiful in person!!


Lovely color! And I like your packing sleeve. Do you make them yourself or do you order them from somewhere?

 Nurse Shar

I love the sleeve, you're so creative, and I love the socks. Sorry I missed the meet up Sunday. Have a great Christmas!!


Yes, the label is very nice! But the socks are even better. I, too, like kniting with koigu. Oh-so-soft.

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